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Language Training

What about Reading and Writing Skills?

What about Reading and Writing Skills? You should be reading and writing a lot. Due to the rapid development of communication and digitization, you can find plenty of reading material on the Internet. You can read newspapers, blogs, news, research in your target language. When you practice speaking, you don’t have the time to rectify your mistakes. You can’t spend a few minutes on a single sentence because you need the conversation to flow. Writing and reading are altogether a different ball game. If you don’t know a particular word or expression, you can instantly look it up to fill in what you’re missing. It is a quick way to learn the most relevant words because you will see where you struggle. Plus, when you are learning a language with a pictographic writing system such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Visualizing in your mind how a word is written will help immensely. Writing practice will help you keep track of your progress. It will also help you remember the things you’ve learned and build correct memory traces. This practice will make you a more confident speaker, but it will also help you start thinking in a foreign language. You’ll see significant improvements in your language skills in no time.

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